A complete change of pace in this week's podcast. If sales is a part of your job (and it almost inevitably is), I think you'll find this one extremely helpful!
This week's podcast is excerpted from last month's most popular radio show and explores both the true meaning of the word "genius" and what it takes to unleash the best you have inside you.
This week's podcast is an exploration of the difference between 'different' and 'original' and why original thought is the key to pretty much any game changing innovation in pretty much every field.
In this week's podcast I share how a deeper understanding of the nature of fear allows you to live fearlessly regardless of what you happen to be feeling in any given moment.
This week's podcast shares a simple way to get beyond your habitual thinking and into the space of innovation - the space of fresh, original thoughts and ideas.
In this week's podcast I share an insight from Syd Banks that helped me see that talking about Mind, Consciousness, and Thought isn't always the best way to share them.
In this week's podcast I explore why answering the question "how does it work?" is nearly always more helpful than trying to answer the question "how do I do it?"
In this week's podcast I share what I've learned about goals and contentment over three decades of trying to decide between them only to discover they're part of the same unfolding.
In this week's podcast I explore what it is to become conscious of yourself as Consciousness and how life changes when we stop trying to "tell it like it is".
In the podcast this week, I share a distinction that explains why some teachers are seemingly able to impact anybody while others struggle to get through to almost anyone. It also points to how you can become more effective in whatever it is you teach through a simple shift in your preparation.
In this week's podcast I'm excited to share an excerpt from my new online video program with Anita Moorjani, Experiencing God. It's taken from the live Q&A we did during filming, and it's one of the most powerful messages I've ever heard about what really moves the needle when it comes to overcoming illness and cultivating our natural movement towards health and well-being.
In this week's podcast, I continue the avian theme of my blog with an exploration of Pigeon Dancing, broadening it out beyond the realm of money to show how often we all get caught up in superstitious rituals for happiness and success and what we can do to experience more freedom, love, contentment, and joy.
In this week's podcast, I'm sharing another clip from the Audible edition of The Space Within. It points to the world of difference between the absence of thought and the presence of the deeper mind.
In this week's podcast I run through the difference between universal truth and the impact seeing truth will inevitably make in the way we live our lives.
This week's podcast is an exploration of how we inadvertently psych ourselves out when we believe ideas like "big" and "small" have existence outside the temporary reality of our own thinking.
In this week's podcast I share a metaphor for how recognizing what we have going for us lets us live our lives and impact the world with greater ease and impact.
In this week’s podcast I share one of my favorite metaphors for how working on ourselves can get in the way of loving our lives.
In this week's podcast I share a story that began life as a part of the Caffeine for the soul blog. It sums up, as best I have yet been able, the difference between trying not to suffer because, "hey, it's all thought" and waking up to the divine nature of your soul.
In this week’s podcast I discuss why movies can’t be powerful, people can’t be inspiring, and thoughts can never (yes, never) be triggered by circumstances.
In this week's podcast you can listen to the first chapter of The Space Within excerpted from the unabridged Audible edition.
In today's podcast, I talk about what I learned about what I do from watching the movie Murder on the Orient Express. (I'm pretty sure it makes more sense when you listen to it, but you can let me know... :-)
In this week's podcast I use the ten commandments as a metaphor for unleashing your inner wisdom and divinity.
In today's podcast I share a few stories that point to how much more is on offer with a deeper understanding of the principles than just getting relief from the feelings of stress and pressure in our lives.
In today's podcast I explore the connection between time management, English gardens, and how aligning yourself with the messiness of life helps clean things up tremendously well.